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What is
The Art?

"Learning The Art is like transitioning from being a passenger or driver of the vehicle , to being a Quantum mechanic that knows exactly how the vehicle functions"

The Art is an abbreviation for The Art of Reality Creation. It can be describes as the complete understanding of how our body creates the physical reality we live in. A practitioner of The Art is able to create and align with any reality their heart desires. Unlike many "Manifestation" teachings out there, The Art is an all encompassing teaching into the energetic quantum function of our multi dimensional reality creation vessel. 

My name is Syoma Pirutin

I channeled the technology I call The Art into existence. I cannot take credit for it. I am just a man, the only thing I can say is unique about me is that I decided to go all the way. I did everything I had to do to bring this technology into being.

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  • Available Online

    The First Session is free of charge and takes 1.5 hours

    1 hr 30 min

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